blogs seem like a good way to keep people in the know that you don't have time to update regularly on the phone. so, I'm starting one.
Monday marks the first day of my Sophomore year at the Kansas City Art Institute and my first day as an illustration major. I am super anxious/excited/etc
of course but mostly glad that I'll have something to focus on and not so much worthless free time.
This summer was sort of a let down in terms of creative outlets/productivity.
Last semester abruptly ended my peaking momentum, which was impossible to regain without outside pressure. But at least it was nice to sleep.
Anyway, now that I'm a grown up girl living it up in midtown I thought it would be nice to have an outlet to keep track of my life. SO my general plans for this blog are to post about school life, art life, food life, etc.
Here is a drawing of one of the chairs in my living room, every time someone sits in one they get spooked by an unexpected sinking of their butt into said chair.
Not a very good depiction of Man-Cat, my roommate's kitty. |
Although this summer was pretty slow as a general rule eventually my friends started to come back, yay! Here I am with my roommate, Anna and our friend Molly who lives down the street having fun and celebrating America.
Anna, Molly, and Me |
That's all for now!