Saturday, April 30, 2011


Disposable Cameras Rule here are two shots I got in the one I developed tonight
check out more HERE

Friday, April 29, 2011


entering the world of business cards and letterheads

here's what I have so far
I am going to add three little tabbed pages that can be taken in/out of the little envelope-ish card that have my work on them and show through the text

for the letterhead I think Ill mimic the design of the tabs across the top of the page

Saturday, April 23, 2011

fun time

i'm doing drawings based on the photos of everyone in illustration that were cut up and put together by myself and other people
look at them here

here are a few I did really quickly tonight yearbook style

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

mixed media portraits

Ive been having a hard time with this assignment but maybe its because I was focusing too much on the self-portrait. So today I found some old tape and did a portrait of Cher

 experimenting with Yupo paper, gouache, and water-soluble crayon

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I think I've found my sketchbook

I always had a violent opposition to the wire bound sketchbook but one day I perused the Stillman and Birn series which has both wire bound and hard bound books. The quality of their paper and the natural white and ivory toned paper options sold me.

there are quite a few choices, right now I have the Delta series which has extra heavy ivory paper. Its nice enough to use on final work.


heres a rough scan of a drawing I am working on now

Saturday, April 9, 2011

3 minute self portraits

I did while I was door monitoring last night with water soluble crayons and a brush pen
they are pretty goofy

Friday, April 8, 2011

studio mice adventures

even illustration students need to cut loose every now and then

making logos?

we have an assignment to make a logo for the illustration department here at KCAI
I'm trying to do something pretty graphic, that can be used not just for a logo but also for a business card.

Ideally the white circle would be die cut so I could work as a business card that could go on a keychain, the information would be on the other side.

here are a few of my initial experiments that I started on the computer after I sketched the design by hand.

here are some more I did later

Sunday, April 3, 2011

coffee label

in progress


after doing this I played around with some different color options and the one I liked the best was the one above. I positioned on a craft paper coffee bag. 

I think it needs a little more jungle-esque flavor so I plan to add some birds or animals somehow as well as extending the area that the lower text is on to the bottom of the frame to give more attention to that text. Also, I need to fix one of those three repeated grey bars that accidentaly ended up the same color.

over all, I really enjoyed doing this project even though we had less than a week to complete it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

new things in progress

is it okay to use a thumbnail sketch as a finished assignment? lets find out
"Look! Good Fortune is Around You."